For some people DIY jobs are a necessity while for others they are a fun way to get involved in home improvements. But did you know that taking care of certain jobs in your home can have a positive impact on both your mental and physical health?
A New Mental Health Distraction Technique
If you are someone who has experienced mental health problems such as anxiety or depression in the past, you will already know that many experts recommend distraction techniques to help you overcome the symptoms associated with such conditions. They might tell you to go for a walk when you are feeling anxious or maybe try to distract yourself with a book or a movie.
But doing some DIY jobs around the house can also be a terrific way to boost your mental health. As well as being an appropriate distraction technique DIY can give you a real sense of achievement, which boosts self-esteem and can have a positive impact on mood.
If you are worried about operating power tools fitted with diamond metal blades when feeling anxious or depressed, there are many other jobs you can do that don’t require the use of such tools. According to the experts at Devour Tools, DIY jobs such as painting and gardening can be very therapeutic and can be done without the need for electrical tools.
Strengthen Your Body and Your Home with DIY
It is not just mental health that improves when you undertake DIY at home. Some DIY jobs are physically demanding. As they require physical effort, it is akin to doing a cardiovascular workout. Some jobs will even help to strengthen your muscles. Woodworking, landscaping, and painting all require upper body strength.
How DIY Jobs Boost Your Cognitive Function
In addition to the positive impact that DIY can have on mental and physical health, it can also give your brain a workout. That is because many DIY jobs require problem solving as well as decision making. Older adults in particular can benefit from doing DIY jobs as these help with their cognitive function and health. Jobs like woodworking are great for preventing cognitive decline. They require a variety of skills and can also keep-hand eye coordination sharp.
Examples of DIY jobs that can be particularly beneficial for cognitive function include woodworking, quilting, and pottery.
Protect Yourself While Improving Your Home
Whatever your age, you should always practice safety when undertaking DIY jobs. Whether you are using hand or power tools, it is important to protect your eyes, ears, and lungs from flying dirt and debris and loud noises. Furthermore, make sure that you are wearing appropriate clothing, especially when operating dangerous power tools. Avoid loose clothing and hanging jewelry that could get caught in blades or other moving parts. Be sure to tie hair back to keep it out of the way and, if working with blades, steel-capped shoes or boots are advisable.
Consider Your Skill Level
While there are many benefits to DIY, it is important not to take on too much. The benefits to mental and physical health will be outweighed by the dangers of taking on a job that you don’t have the skills for. For example, never try to do any electrical work unless you have the right training.
DIY has the ability to boost your mental and physical health and it can be a fantastic way to slow down cognitive decline. Choose a job that suits your skill levels and always make sure you have the right tools for the job. Lastly, be sure to stay safe when practicing DIY at home.